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SUDO with redirect fails

Q: I need to run a command with sudo and redirect the output, but it is failing when...

bdfmegs – a better bdf

df and bdf history In HP-UX, the df command has a particularly obnoxious format so a better df (bdf)...

Host-based printers and HP-UX

Computer printersSince the first printers were connected to a computer, there have been two industry...

Hex, Octal and Binary shell conversions

Hex, Octal and Binary shell conversions In scripting, it is common to find a need...

PowerPath LUNs report zero size

owerPath LUNs report zero size HP-UX Symptoms: LUNs presented from storage randomly report zero size...

New HP Certificates for SWA

SWA is a great tool to analyze installed patches and products and then return a...

Script For Reading HP-UX Itanium Root Disk EFI Partitions

I called this script “readpartition” but you can call it anything you choose. The purpose...

DRD Strangeness

I’ve been working with DRD recently and have come across a couple of strange issues....

Show elapsed time for startup tasks

When HP-UX boots up, more than two dozen startup scripts are run to initialize and...

Problem with filenames

I am getting: PuTTYPuTTY everytime I list a particular directory with ls or ll. It does not happen in any...