Installing minimum Ignite tools

Q:I have installed HP-UX several times on new systems but the Ignite tools such as print_manifest and make_net_recovery are not there. I don’t want to install the full (hundreds of MB) Ignite package. What do I install for just the basic Ignite tools?

 A: The basic package name is IGNITE so you would use swinstall like this:

# swinstall –s <fullpath_to_ignite_depot> IGNITE

If you have setup a registered depot on another system for the full Ignite product, you can install over the network without using NFS, like this:

# swinstall –s <serverName:path_to_ignite_depot> IGNITE

 This will install just the recovery tools (make_net_recovery, make_tape_recovery, print_manifest, etc) but not the full Golden Image to install a new system.

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