How to clear EMS monitor status

Q: I have a ghost report from 2 years ago that keeps getting reported by EMS. How do I clear it?.

A: The easiest way is to remove the psm_data file. Then restart diagnostics with:

# /etc/opt/resmon/lbin/monconfig
(choose the K option to kill EMS)

# /sbin/init.d/diagnostic stop
# rm /var/stm/data/psm_data

# /sbin/init.d/diagnostic start
# /etc/opt/resmon/lbin/monconfig
(choose the E option to restart EMS)

This will rebuild the tables for all devices and should clear the ghost entry.
As always, the diagnostics should be kept up to date, both for bug fixes as well as new devices.
As of Dec 2014, the latest STM and EMS versions are:

11.11    STM: A.68.00    EMS: A.04.20.11
11.23    STM: C.67.00    EMS: A.04.20.23
11.31    STM: D.15.00    EMS: A.04.20.31

Here is a history of STM and EMS versions:

– See more at:
