Cloning a system with Ignite

The steps to clone a client using make_net_recovery
are as follows:

1. Use make_net_recovery or the Ignite-UX GUI to create a recovery archive of the source client.

2. Login to the Ignite-UX server.

3. If the client to be installed does not currently have a directory in /var/opt/ignite/clients on the Ignite-UX server but is up and running, then you can use the Ignite-UX GUI to create that directory using the Add New Client for Recovery task. If the client is not running, you either need to boot the client from the Ignite-UX server or for a tape made with make_boot_tape so that this directory is created. Or just create directory like this:

1. cd /var/opt/ignite/clients

2. umask 022

3. mkdir -m 755 0xtarget-client-MAC

4. chown bin:bin 0xtarget-client-MAC

5. ln -s 0xtarget-client-MAC target-hostname

The result should look the same as the other clients:

# ll /var/opt/ignite/clients

drwxr-xr-x 4 bin bin 1024 Apr 4 14:59 0x0017A4AB5467
drwxr-xr-x 3 bin bin 1024 Apr 4 14:42 0x00306E03884B
drwxr-xr-x 4 bin bin 1024 Apr 4 15:25 0x00306E3852D7
drwxr-xr-x 4 bin bin 1024 Jun 2 06:19 0x0060B04AAB30

lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14 Jun 19 02:02 atl3 -> 0x00306E03884B
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14 Jun 19 04:02 atl5 -> 0x00306E3852D7
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14 Jun 19 03:02 atl6 -> 0x0017A4AB5467
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14 Jun 2 06:22 
newcpu -> 0x0060B04AAB30

4. Copy the CINDEX file and recovery directory from the src-client to the target-client directory. Note that if the client has previously used make_net_recovery then it already has a CINDEX file. If a CINDEX file for the target-client exists, you may want to save a copy or hand edit the file to add the desired entries from the source client.

The following commands copy the required files. You can specify src-client and target-client using either the MAC addresses (for example, 0x0060B04AAB30) or the client’s hostname which is symbolically linked to the MAC address.

cd /var/opt/ignite/clients/src-client
find CINDEX recovery | cpio -pudmva ../target-client

5. Give the target client NFS access to the archive of the source client by logging into the Ignite-UX server that holds the archive. Typically each client has its own directory for storing the archives, and the directory is exported only to the individual client. For Ignite-UX servers running releases prior to 11.31, you must edit the /etc/exports file to allow access to both the source and target clients as follows:

1. # vi /etc/exports
2. Append :target
to the end of the source client’s line.
3. # exportfs -av

where target is the hostname of the target system. See exports(4) for more information.

For Ignite-UX servers running 11.31 or later, you must edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file to allow access to both the source and target clients as follows:

1. # vi /etc/dfs/dfstab
2. Append ,ro=target
to the -o argument of the source client’s line.
3. # shareall -F nfs

where target is a fully qualified client name. Note that since this client should not be creating an archive, the client will not have write access to the archive directory. See dfstab(4) for more information. Now, boot the client from the Ignite-UX server using any method you wish. When you install the client, you can select from the recovery configurations of the source client.

Note: The src-client may have non-vg00 VGs that must be handled. If the target-client is not going to use the old VGs, use vgexport to clean up the directories and lvmtab. Otherwise, you can use vgimport
-s -m <mapfile> vgName
 to import the VGs.

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