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HP-UX to remote PC printer

Preface: The majority of printer models manufactured in the last 8-10 years (especially those less...

Match Ignite server version on network clients

The Ignite server requires that all the clients have the same version of Ignite tools...

Data Center Power Down Checklist

Q: Our company is going to have to power down all the servers in our data...

Installing minimum Ignite tools

Q:I have installed HP-UX several times on new systems but the Ignite tools such as...

How to find CONSOLE ip address

Q: I have not kept good records for my systems and have forgotten the IP address...

How to enable hyperthreading on Itanium

Q:I would like to turn on hyperthreading for my system. How can I do this...

How to find the boot disk from HP-UX

Q: I need to document which disk was used to boot the currently running system. A: This...

How to clear EMS monitor status

Q: I have a ghost report from 2 years ago that keeps getting reported by EMS....

nsquery returns no IP address in a pipe

nsquery returns a null value for Address: when used in a pipe or assigned to...

Shell history timestamps

Tips for HP-UX sysadmins Shell history timestamps The shell history is very useful  except for...