Brocade Network Support

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Service IT Directs Third Party Maintenance.
Brocade equipment is a powerful addition to any data center networking portfolio. When equipment goes End-of-Service-Life (EOSL), you don’t want to lose access to its unique data center design concepts that can be difficult to replicate. You need an end-of-life (EOL) Support package.
With Service IT Direct, you can maintain your equipment well past its warranty or end of service life and get direct access to our technical support. When you get third party maintenance from a trusted provider of third party data center maintenance, you can rest assured that you’ll have uptime all the time. Our network maintenance and support can help save your IT budget and make your life easier.
–Savings of 40-80% on current support.
– Flexible Support Maintenance that adjusts with your changing needs
– The Engineering skills and available parts to support your multi-platform data center
Brocade is now a Broadcom Inc. group company. Service IT Direct provides Broadcom infrastructure software solutions to help companies worldwide drive enterprise-wide productivity enhancement.
Service for Your Brocade Support
Brocade Supported Products
Flexible Brocade Support for post-warranty maintenance.