Q: I have set up a route to our company’s gateway but after a few minutes, the connection is terminated. I am running a newly installed HP-UX 11i system. What is happening?
A: Try traceroute to the problem machine(s) and see what you find before and after the problem. Another possibility is that for security, your network admin has turned off ICMP echo responses (ping) to the router. The default (for 11.11) is dead gateway detection enabled and opposite to 11.0 defaults. If you cannot ping the router, after a few minutes, the router (gateway) is deemed to be dead and the route is declared dead. Verify this with:
ndd -get /dev/ip ip_ire_gw_probe ndd -get /dev/ip ip_ire_status
If ip_ire_gw_probe is set to 1, then un-pingable routers will be removed from the routing table after a few minutes. Look for the word DEAD in the status report.
To fix it, you’ll have to discuss disabling ping responses on the inside of your network with your network-admin. If not negotiable, then you’ll have to turn off dead gateway detection in /etc/rc.config.d/nddconf. If there are no entries, then add:
TRANSPORT_NAME[0]=ip NDD_NAME[0]=ip_ire_gw_probe NDD_VALUE[0]=0
Then BEFORE you reboot, do this to verify ndd is working for nddconf entries:
ndd -get /dev/ip ip_ire_gw_probe ndd -c ndd -get /dev/ip ip_ire_gw_probe
– See more at: http://serviceitdirect.com/blog/ping-fails-after-few-minutes#sthash.29sZfanv.dpuf
Tags: HP-UX